About the Ministry
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…”
– James 1:27
Since 2003, our efforts and prayers have been focused on raising funds to provide high quality Christian education, responsible microloans, church planting assistance and humanitarian services in Kenya and East Africa as God directs. We are a group of Christian educators, corporate executives, medical professionals and business leaders who have been called by God to volunteer our time and expertise to partner with Christian ministers in Kenya. 100% of all donations received go to Kenya. Our board members take no salary. We cover all the operational expenses of the ministry (e.g. postage, wire transfers, banking, website hosting) so that all funds donated by our partners actually go to the people we are trying to help. We consider it a privilege and honor to serve Christ by serving some of the poorest people on the planet.
Mission Statement:
The James 1:27 Project is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity. We work with Christian pastors in Kenya and other African nations to support the financial needs of their communities. Our call is to:
- Support women through responsibly sourced micro-loans so they can become business owners and provide for their families
- Support children through Christian education
- Support orphans through the establishment of Children’s Homes
- Support communities by providing medical care and food
- Support church growth by financing church plants

Current Projects:
“A high quality education is the key to alleviating economic poverty; a Christ-centered education is the key to alleviating the poverty of the soul.”
– Jackie Matthews, Chairman and Co-Founder of The James 1:27 Project
It all started in a 4th grade classroom in Tacoma, WA. A group of elementary students at a small, urban private Christian school met a Pastor from Kenya who shared with them what life was like for the children in his village. The students were so heartbroken to hear about the hunger, poverty, violence and disease that children their same age faced that they wanted to help. They began to pray. With the help of their teachers and families, these students formed a business and began raising money to build a school in Kenya so the children there could have a safe place to go every day, to learn about God, receive a quality education and have a nutritious lunch. The Lord heard their prayers and blessed the work of their hands….
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How You Can Be Involved
We are so very grateful for your interest in serving the dear people of Kenya and Africa. The Lord loves a cheerful giver and His heart is blessed when He sees His children serving one another out of an outpouring of love for Him and His people.
Did you know?
You can now donate via text messaging. Simply text GIVE to (817) 662-2041
Please consider checking with your employer to see if they offer a matching donor program. This can be a great way to double the impact of your donation and help children in need. Thank you!